
Monday, December 12, 2011

Frosty Paws, Frosty Claws

For a dog, winter is generally a great season to run and roll in the deep snowdrifts. Jack has a warm fur coat, which makes him eager to get outside where it's not so roasting hot! In the winter when we have our cups of hot-chocolate and fireplace burning, the dog seems to find a cool place to hide and sleep, so he can escape the uncomfortable heat. But how he loves that snow! Of course, he doesn't like it so much when it gets stuck in snowballs on the fur between his toes, but he likes the outdoors in winter as well as any other season.
We sometimes take him sledding somewhere with a big hill, and let him play around with us while we sled; or we'll do something crazy like taking our dog ice skating on a pond, but he doesn't understand why he can't run quite so fast on ice as on dry ground, but inexplicably his 'people' can zoom around with amazing speed! I guess it makes him mad, but he jumps up, growls, and barks in an attempt to get us to slow down. But overall it seems as if dogs (with long fur) enjoy the cold and the snow.
Chickens are not the Eskimo type. Our birds were reluctant to even leave their coop one snowy, frosty morning, and the rooster, having no desire to get snow on his feet, flew up into a bush while the other birds pecked around. The chickens will probably need to have a heat lamp placed in their coop during the cold months this year.

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